Sport England Funding for Young People!

We've been awarded funding by Sport England to help children and young people keep active through the winter and the cost-of-living crisis. 

This means any child or young person in receipt of free school meals can attend boxing sessions for FREE throughout the Spring Term. 🥊

All other children and young people can attend sessions with a 50% discount - only £2.50 per session. 👏

Kids / Youth boxing sessions:
👉 Monday 5pm - Mixed session - Age 7-10
👉 Wednesday 430pm - Girls - Age 10 - 14
👉 Wednesday 5.30pm - Girls - Age 12-16
👉 Thursday 4.30pm - Mixed - Age 7-10
👉 Thursday 5.30pm - Boys - Age 10-15

To organise a taster session, please call or text / WhatsApp 07989 538044 or reserve your place on the link below:
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