Fitness Classes

Whether you want to get fitter, stronger, release energy, improve muscle tone or just work out in a safe supportive environment, we offer a range of training sessions. Our classes are suitable for everyone - whether you’re new to the gym or a regular exerciser.

Anyone aged 16+ is welcome to attend our adults classes or 12+ if accompanied by an adult.



A new low impact strength class to help you build power in your entire body.You will leave feeling stronger, more powerful and energised. No Cardio! This class is for everyone, regardless of fitness levels.

Boxercise  / Rebox / Punch Fit

These classes are based on the training concepts boxers typically use to keep fit and includes boxing movements. Most probably a high energy circuit style class using bags, pads and gloves with body weight and weighted exercises for a full body workout

Boxercise for the Over 50’s

This class is designed specially for the Over 50’s, targeting areas of the body that we need to keep moving as we grow older.

WorkOut of the Week - WOW
This class boosts fitness and body conditioning with core, cardio, and strength exercises including punching based exercises. 

Strength & Conditioning

A mixture of bodyweight and weighted exercise to increase strength, enhance muscle tone and improve fitness. 

KO Hiit Circuit

High intensity interval training using a variety of cardio and bodyweight exercises including punching. This class follows the same format every week. 5 stations - 20 seconds on, 20 seconds off plus a punch out to finish.

Strength and Stretch

Chilled out Sunday morning session with exercises adapted for all levels of fitness.


This class involves punching pads and bags, speed drills and agility. A cardio session that is fast paced and energetic.
