New Teen Fitness course

October 10, 2022 1 min read

Starting Tuesday 1st November 5pm.

£30 for 6 weeks

Whether your teenager is looking to get more active or cross train for an existing sport then this 6 week course is ideal for any 11-16 year old.

Not only will they get a good workout and cool down but they will learn new skills each week, helping them to exercise effectively and safely for years to come.
Including cardio work, body weight exercise, strength & conditioning, dynamic movement, weighted exercise, stretching, speed drills, agility, high intensity interval training, effective cool downs and more! Our resident Youth Mentor Hugo who has a Masters Degree in Sports Psychology will also be on hand.

This will be a fun, inclusive and supportive class tailored for teenagers, open to all levels. We hope to continue this class as a regular Tuesday teen fitness session in 2023

Book through our online shop!
