DEI Policy
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy 2025
Northern Powerhouse Boxing Academy (NPBA) is committed to promoting equality, valuing diversity and working inclusively across our entire organisation. We uphold these principles in our behaviours and practices – as an employer, a governance, development and administration body.
We oppose all forms of discrimination and intolerance and we have a zero-tolerance approach to bullying, harassment and victimisation within boxing settings and our workplace. This policy is in place to ensure this value is applied throughout NPBA to our customers, volunteers and self-employed contractors.
We will identify and remove or reduce any barriers and inequalities in the access to boxing opportunities, through consultation, impact assessment, monitoring, reporting, action planning and review. We aim to break down all barriers of discrimination, prejudice, fear or misunderstanding with the boxing community.
We use the Equality & Human Rights Commission’s nine protected characteristics to help focus our equality and diversity work and ensure the Code of Practice is followed to inform the procedures and practice standards. These characteristics are defined under the Equality Act 2010
We will not tolerate discrimination against employees or members who have one or more of the protected characteristics:
Gender reassignment
Marriage and civil partnership
Religion or belief
Sexual orientation
Pregnancy and maternity
We strive to advance equality of opportunity between individuals who share a protected characteristic, those who do not and to foster good relations.
The NPBA DEI policy applies to customers and any officer connected to the club (self-employed contractors/coaches, voluntary staff, board and committee members).
Statement on gender and boxing training
NPBA runs some classes that are for women and girls (11-15yrs) only and classes for boys (11-15yrs) only. A NPBA core value is to promote and encourage boxing and fitness for women and girls in a safe and inclusive environment. As part of this we are committed to initiatives such as the Sport England This Girl Can and the club understands that people of all genders sometimes feel better training with people of the same gender or have religious beliefs that prohibit training in mixed gender environments.
NPBA is committed to gender equality and trans inclusiveness. Trans women and girls and non-binary people are included in our definition of women and girl only classes. Trans boys and non-binary people are included in our definition of boy only classes.
Definitions and Categories (adapted from England Boxing DEI Policy and Code of Conduct)
All employees and members accept their personal responsibility in the practical application of this policy.
All appointments, whether for staff or volunteers, are carried out in accordance with NPBA’s Fair Recruitment and Selection Procedure, and anyone involved in staff and volunteer recruitment will be appropriately trained. All relevant aspects affecting the composition of the work/volunteer force; including applications, short-listing, interviews, appointments, promotions, departures or dismissals, are monitored and the information obtained is actively used to devise action plans, positive action training and other steps to promote greater equality throughout the organisation’s work/volunteer force.
Disciplinary cases and grievances are carried out in accordance with NPBA’s disciplinary procedures and/or Employment Code of Practice, and those staff/volunteers involved in hearing such cases are appropriately trained and/or experienced.
Discriminatory language and behaviour which offends or threatens colleagues or any others is not tolerated. Where it is necessary, action to deal with such instances will be taken under the organisation’s disciplinary procedure.
NPBA does not tolerate inappropriate language, behaviour or violence to staff or volunteers by service users, and again will take appropriate action to protect staff or volunteers if such incidents occur.
NPBA recognises the importance of developing staff or volunteers to meet the needs of a diverse range of users and to contribute fully to our priorities. Training programmes are available to staff and volunteers.
Relations with outside organisations/contractors NPBA promotes its values on equality of opportunity in its dealings with members, partners and other outside organisations, contractors, suppliers.
NPBA will continue to make facilities available to enable staff and volunteers at all levels to communicate effectively with (for example, those people whose first language is not English, people who are deaf or have a hearing impairment, those who are blind or visually impaired).
Individuals and groups who represent the needs of all groups will be consulted throughout the decision making process on issues which affect them in order for NPBA to maintain up-to-date awareness of their needs and requirements.
Monitoring and evaluation
This policy will continue to be monitored and evaluated to ensure that it is kept relevant and up-to-date. Key information on important aspects of recruitment, employment and business operations will continue to be collated and analysed to obtain a detailed understanding of how policies and practices are working towards creating equality of opportunity. NPBA will monitor its use of services, participation, volunteer, employee and community engagement. Action will be taken to deal with any disparities that are identified.
Definitions of types of discrimination under the Equality Act 2010
Direct discrimination: When a person or group is treated less favourably directly because of a personal characteristic, such as race, gender, disability, religion, age or sexual orientation. Direct discrimination is unlawful.
Indirect discrimination: Where a criterion, policy, procedure, practice or condition whichapplies equally to everyone has the effect of disadvantaging people from a particular group and cannot be justified. Indirect discrimination is unlawful.
Institutional discrimination: Where, for example, an organisation’s processes, procedures, attitudes, behaviours or organisational structures, through unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness and stereotyping, amount to less favourabletreatment. Institutional discrimination is unlawful.
Harassment: Unwanted conduct that violates a person’s dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment having regard to all the circumstances and the perception of the victim; harassment can include behaviour that is offensive, frightening or in any way distressing. It may be intentional bullying which is obvious or violent, but it can also be unintentional or subtle and insidious. It may involve behaviour which may not be intended to be malicious but nevertheless is upsetting. It may be about the individual’s personal identity or it may be about the identity of those with whom the individual associates. It may not be targeted at an individual(s) but consist of a general culture. Harassment is unlawful.
Victimisation: When an individual is treated detrimentally because they have made a complaint or intend to make a complaint about discrimination or harassment or have given evidence or intend to give evidence relating to a complaint about discrimination or harassment. Victimisation is unlawful. If victimisation happens or if organisations fail to take reasonable steps to prevent it from happening, they may be liable and may be ordered to pay compensation.