We are open again!


We are delighted to let you all know that in line with the specific guidance for boxing clubs released by England Boxing, we are reopening the gym, starting on Monday 3rd August!

While there are a lot of changes and things won’t be quite back to normal we can at least see each other in the gym and train together again - and more importantly hit a bag

Due to the size of the gym and new cleaning regulations, all classes will be 40 minutes long, limited to 6 people and sold as a 4 week block (August 3rd to August 29th). For example, if you want to come to the Monday 7pm class, then you are booking to come to every Monday 7pm class in August. You may book more than one block if you like.

We will trial this system during August and adapt as and when restrictions change. By limiting the number of people that you will come into contact with, we believe this is a safer way to carefully reopen the club.

Here is the timetable for August:

Over 50's Boxercise based - 10am (speak to Rachel directly about booking)
Fitness Class (Bootcamp/Circuit style) - 6pm & 7pm

Fitness Class (Bootcamp/Circuit style) - 6pm
Boxing Training - 7pm

Fitness Class (Boxercise based - women only) - 9.30am
Fitness Class (Bootcamp/Circuit style) - 6pm
Fitness Class (Bootcamp/Circuit style) - 7pm

Fitness Class (Bootcamp/Circuit style) - 6pm
Boxing Training - 7pm

Fitness Class (Boxercise based women only) - 9.30am

Fitness class (HIIT based) - 10am
Fitness class (HIIT based) - 11am

Prices will be £20 for members and £22 for non members. This is for a block of 4 classes in August - attending the same class each week for 4 weeks. If you are away for 1 of the classes we should be able to allow you to join via Zoom.

You must be a fully paid up member to access the members price. If you are unsure about your current membership status then please email us info@northernpowerhouseboxing.org.uk

How will it work?

There will be COVID safety measures in place - please see the separate post for more details but in short:

📍 The gym has been marked out to allow 6 training areas with a minimum of 2 metres between each area. The good news is each training area has a punch bag.
📍 Classes can only be attended by those who are well. If you (or anyone in your household) have any signs of any illness, you must not attend.
📍 Participants will be asked to enter the gym when it is time for their class. Please do not enter the gym until the coach lets you know it is ok to enter.
📍 Participants will be asked to wash their hands upon entering and then go straight to their designated training area.
📍 Participants must remain in their training area for the duration of the class with the exception of toilet breaks/water refills
📍 We will collect contact info from participants so that we can ensure we can track and trace effectively.
Windows and the front door will be left open for the duration of the class.
📍 At the end of each class, each participant will be responsible for wiping down their equipment and area. Anti viral spray, paper towels and hand sanitiser will be provided.
📍 Participants will then be asked to leave the gym in a socially distanced way, washing their hand upon leaving.


📍All places are strictly non-transferable due to the training groups we are creating and our ability to track and trace.

📍 All participants must bring their own boxing gloves for boxing based classes. We can no longer offer boxing gloves but we do have two suppliers who are offering our members greatly reduced prices on gloves. See the upcoming post about this.

📍 All participants must bring their own water bottle - we will not be able to provide a bottle for you to borrow if you don’t have one. We also ask that you bring a towel with you and your own wraps if you want to wear them.

📍We may offer these classes by zoom for those who want to continue to train at home or for booked out sessions. More info on this later!

📍If anyone is suffering hardship then please get in touch to see if we can help as always we don't want cost to be a barrier.


📍Booking only available on Gymcatch.
📍You will see on Gymcatch there are only classes available for the first week of August.
📍For example, if you book Monday 7pm and Friday 9am then you are booked onto those classes for all those classes in the 4 week block.
📍If you are a non-member then you can book the classes when you select the session(s) on want to attend on Gymcatch.
📍If you are a member then please buy the package "Members rate - 4 week block" first and then go the session you want to apply this package to. Otherwise you will be charged the non member rate.
📍You can book as many classes / 4 week blocks as your like.
📍These are non transferable so if you cannot attend, you can attend on zoom but you cannot send someone in your place. The 4 week blocks have been created to try and minimise the COVID risk.
📍 Zoom classes will be added over the weekend for those who cannot attend the gym.

Any questions below or drop us a message!

 🤩We can’t wait to get people back in the gym and training together 🤩

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