
This is our online space to help you keep active and connected to the club when we can't attend classes in the gym, with info on how to take part in zoom sessions, our online timetable plus some workout videos made for you by Coach Chris.

How do I take part in zoom sessions

1. Check out our timetable of online zoom classes below.

2. Book through Gymcatch.

3: Use this meeting code to join on Zoom 987-234-5987 
(If you need more in depth zoom instructions, click here)


All classes are 40 minutes long. 
You don't need any specific kit for any of the classes.  But make sure you have some water to hand!

MONDAY 6.30pm - Power Box with Jo Mac - New Class!
A full body workout using a variety of core, cardio and strength exercises. Designed to make boxers fitter (but suitable for everyone), this class will increase your boxing capabilities whilst ensuring your technique remains on point. 

TUESDAY 6pm - Circuits based fitness class

WEDNESDAY 10am - Boxercise style fitness class
Cardio workout using boxing drills and punches.

WEDNESDAY 6.30pm - Strength & Conditioning
Take part in this low cardio class to get stronger using your own body weight

THURSDAY 6pm - Boxercise style fitness class
Cardio workout using boxing drills and punches.

FRIDAY 9.30am - Boxercise style fitness class
Cardio workout using boxing drills and punches.

SATURDAY 10am - HIIT style fitness session


We have a general NPBA WhatsApp group for bants and help. Everyone is welcome! use this link to join.  https://chat.whatsapp.com/JQh9vP4M6xyIm8kiMLaK15 


Below you will find videos from our coaches taking you through some different workouts and warmups. Feel free to do them whenever suits you!

If you need help or want some group support then join the NPBA Whatsapp Group! (Link above)

Please make sure you do a warm up before every workout! We've provided one below in the video section

Virtual Boxing videos : The coaches have created some virtual boxing videos.  Get on your feet, get in your boxing mindset and do 4 x 2 minute rounds with Fie and Chris. Remember to keep moving and give it your all!